Welcome to H.O.M's exclusive Loyalty Club with an exclusive rewards programme on a fashion-filled journey where you can gain points and exclusive access to benefits crafted just for you! Get ready to earn style points galore, unlocking VIP perks that take the luxury up a notch along the way...

Join the fashion elite and start earning significant points! Creating an account is your ticket for endless rewards. 


Unlock at Black Tie



Unlock at Diamond



Unlock at VIP Queen

How It Works

Follow these steps to start earning points and saving on your next purchase.

1. Create An Account

Creat a customer account to join the programme. Current account holders will be automatically signed up. Shopping in person? Ask our store staff how you can join the scheme.

2. Start Earning Points

Log into your account. Under 'rewards' you'll find different ways to earn points, such as sharing a referral link or joining us on social etc.... Points from purchases will be added automatically.

3. Redeem Rewards

Your points balance, along with our £5, £10, £25 and £50 rewards vouchers, will display at the top of your account. For every 500 points you earn, a £5 voucher will be unlocked.


Tier Benefits

Our fashion elite can now experience our exclusive selection of top-tier privileged rewards! Unlock a range of benefits tailored to bring out their best style. Sparkle & save. You're closer to the next tier for every order, unlocking new perks and exciting exclusives.

Earn Points

Update your profile to collect style points and grow your assets!

Rewards Club FAQ's
How do I view my points balance?
What do the approved, pending and cancelled statuses mean?
Is there a limit to the amount of points that I can earn?
I've redeemed my points but forgotten my code
Do my points expire?
Can I bank the remainder of points not used on my code?
It looks like I have dropped my current tier, why?


Refer A Friend

They get £10 off and you get 1,000 points for every successful referral.